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Find the answers to all the frequently asked questions. Get clarity on various aspects of using Omnify for business. We will keep updating this list!
Can I allow my clients to self-check-in?
How can I disable certain notifications been sent to me?
How can my clients contact me through my service store?
Why is Maximum Attendee count not getting updated in the Class schedule?
What is the difference between active clients, inactive clients, and lead?
Not able to change the start date of a class
Why are my Class Schedules not showing up?
How to add breaks?
Why is the Trainer's name not getting updated in the Class schedule & Auto-Emails?
Notification Emails
How to add a new Staff Member
Set up a custom subdomain using a CNAME
Introductory Video
How to change or edit class timings?
Integrating WordPress with Omnify
How to view cancelled classes
Access of the platform to team members
I have changed my Businesses' Name, but it's not changed in the emails?
How to disable or remove the logo from the service store?
What is Family Sharing
How to cancel your subscription?
How to export customer list
How to set up recurring Class packs?
How to use Classpack for Unlimited Class access?
How to add credits to a customer's account manually?
Can I hide active services from the service store?
How to use cloud POS to make bookings?
Cache Issues/ Clearing Cache
Integrate PayTrace For Developers