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Zoom Integration

Learn how to integrate Omnify with Zoom to schedule & conduct online classes. Provide flexibility & better virtual experience to clients.

Kabandi Saikia avatar
Written by Kabandi Saikia
Updated over a week ago

How to integrate Zoom?

Integrating Omnify with Zoom [Installation]

  1. Start by creating a Zoom account which you would need to connect to Omnify to enable seamless integration. 

  2. On the Omnify dashboard, use the side nav bar to scroll down to Integrations under settings. This is where you can link your Zoom account with Omnify.

  3. Your Zoom account is now Integrated with Zoom.

Live Class Setup [Setup]

  1. Proceed to create a class like you would generally, check the Zoom radio button to make this a live class.

  2. Add other details around max attendees, pricing, and the schedule of how this class would run.

  3. Single Zoom Link will ensure the link will remain the same for all class schedules(Single Zoom link for all classes), if you would like a unique meeting link for each schedule you can choose the "Unique link for every class schedule" this ensures all schedules have a unique meeting link.

  4. Save the class, and ensure it is published on the service store. This opens it up for your clients to purchase.

Client Flow & Communication [Usage]

  1. When a client purchases a live class from your service store, they will receive a confirmation email with the unique zoom link and the details of the schedule of this class.

  2. Clients will also receive the unique zoom link to join the live class, 24 hours before the class as part of Omnify's reminder auto email. 

  3. Each class would have a unique zoom link to ensure, only clients who opt-in for/purchase a live class have access to the unique zoom link.

Joining a Zoom Meeting [Usage]

  1. Trainers/Coaches/Admins can join the Zoom meetings using the link which can be found on the schedule of the particular class on the class calendar. [Note] The Zoom link is made available 24 hours before the start time of the session. Admins can also copy and share the link of a specific session from the class calendar.

  2. Clients will have access to the Zoom meeting link through the reminder email which is sent out 24 hours prior to the start time of the session. [Note] Attendees can join the session from their client profile through the upcoming schedules tab.

  3. Omnify's landing page hosts attendees of the class before the online session is open for joining. This can be set in the advanced settings of the integrations tab. Once the session is opened for joining the page displays the Zoom link to join the session, and once the session is ended the Zoom Link is hidden.

Advanced Settings [Accessibility]

  1. Accessibility: Ensure ONLY paid up clients can join the meeting by checking the box to ensure clients are logged onto your service store before they can join the meeting. {Note] By default, any user who has access to the Zoom Link can join the meeting, the checkbox ensures accessibility to only those users who have purchased your service store.

  2. Joining Time Window: Set a time window for when your client can join the session, while they wait on our landing page for the class to begin. Once the joining window is open, clients can join the meeting directly with a click on the join Zoom meeting button. [Note] The default time window is set to 15 minutes.

  3. Fall back URL: In the case of a technical issue where the Zoom URL fails to be created for your services. You can use the fall-back URL as your backup Zoom Link for any session. To share the link with your clients you can use the class calendar, email attendees feature to  send an email to all attendees of the particular session.

Disconnecting Zoom [Uninstalling]

  1. To disconnect Zoom from your Omnify account, on your Omnify dashboard under settings scroll down to integrations.

  2. Select Zoom and click on disconnect.

  3. Once disconnected, your authorized credentials are removed and you will have to re-authorize Zoom to schedule live classes again.

Best Practices

  1. Ensure your Zoom account is integrated with Omnify before you proceed to create a virtual class. If a Zoom account is not linked with your business, the radio button will prompt the user to connect a Zoom account.

  2. Users can join and disconnect using the same unique Zoom Link multiple times to ensure they do not get cut off due to technical glitches and issues.

  3. Turning a pre-existing offline class to a live class will trigger a pop-up to ensure location is updated from Offline to Online and an email is sent to the registered participants of the class and its schedules with the updated location.

  4. Download the Zoom App to ensure seamless integration. 

Contact Us
Omnify's support teams are available over live chat from 6 AM -3 PM EST | Mon-Sat. You can reach out to us on for any issues or concerns. The team usually replies in a few minutes.

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