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Proration of Class-packs
Proration of Class-packs

Enabling & Disabling Proration via Fixed & Dynamic Pricing in Fixed term Class Packs for easy handling of partial payments for classes.

Kabandi Saikia avatar
Written by Kabandi Saikia
Updated over a week ago

Proration of Class-packs

Dashboard > Services > Classpacks

While creating a Class-pack, you can select from the following options:

  1. Ongoing Classpack

  2. Fixed-term Classpack

Ongoing Classpacks: These are Classpacks that DO NOT have an end date. In the ongoing classpacks credits are pre-set by the business owner. And one credit can be used to book one class.

Example: 4 classes are available for 4 weeks and are priced at $100. 

While on the ongoing classpack, you could also enable auto-pay (auto-renew) which will let you auto-renew the classpack subscription for the clients who've booked the same.

Fixed-term Classpacks: are Classpacks that will have an end date. Example: Summer Classes for kids. In this type of Classpacks, you will be able to choose two types of pricing:

  1. Fixed Pricing

  2. Dynamic Pricing

Fixed Pricing: The business owner decides the fixed price for the classpack. 

Example: Summer Camp, starts 1st June 2019 and ends 30th June 2019 is priced $400. Even if a client books it in the middle of the camp (let's say on 15th June 2019), they will be paying $400. There is no PRO-RATION involved.

Dynamic Pricing: With Dynamic pricing you can price the classpack flexibly. You have to enter a price per class as opposed to the price of the classpack.

This means it allows you the option of PRO-RATION. In this case a client will only pay for the number of classes that are available.

Example: Summer Camp, starts 1st June 2019 and ends 30th June 2019 and has 4 classes. And the price per class is $100. In this case, if a client books while all 4 classes are available, they will be paying $400. Otherwise, if they book in the middle of the camp while say, only 2 classes are available, they will be charged $200 (and not $400). 

This provides your clients with the flexibility to pay only for what services are available for them to book along with the classpack depending on when they purchase the classpack.

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