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How To Import Clients

Learn how to import all clients from your dashboard & effectively manage client database with Omnify's simple interface with this guide.

Kabandi Saikia avatar
Written by Kabandi Saikia
Updated over a week ago

Steps to Import Clients & Family Members

Dashboard > Clients > All Clients > Import Clients

You can upload your clients using our import clients feature.

  1. Go to Clients >> All Clients.

  2. Click on the “Import Clients” button on the top right corner.

  3. You can download the template for the client import. Select the template from the options of “Client Import” and “Family Members Import”, and click on “Download”.

  4. Once downloaded, prepare the data as per the format given in the .xlsx sheet.

  5. Click on the “New Import” button on the top right corner of the page.

  6. Upload the File - Client data and Family members data (one at a time)

  7. Select the import type - Client Import (if the client data has to be imported) or Family Members import (for the family members data to be imported). Please note that you have to import the client data first and then import the family member’s data as each family member has to be added to their respective parent member (Client).

  8. Once the worksheet is uploaded, click on the “Upload and Continue to mapping” button.
    Please note that only .xlxs and .csv formats are supported for uploading.

  9. Map the fields as per the columns provided in the sheet. (Note: Map the mandatory columns of Phone, Email, First Name, and Last Name. For the columns that you don't want to import, you have to assign the "Skip this column" option).

  10. Once uploaded and mapped, click on Continue. A Pop-up modal appears asking whether you want to send out Welcome emails to the clients, or not. Once selected, click on “Confirm Import”. (If you select “Send Welcome Email”, it sends out welcome emails which include the login credentials for the imported clients to log in to the service store)

  11. Upon completion, the file goes under review (if the number of data rows is more than 100). Upon approval from the team, the import starts. Once the import is complete, you will be able to view the import status, along with any errors that might have occurred, under Import Clients, and see the imported clients on the All Clients page.

Here's a video on how to Import Clients

You can follow the same steps, download the template for the Family members, and upload it in the same fashion.

Here's a video on how to Import Family members

Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.

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