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The checkins page lets you view all the attendees who have been checked in. Both self-checkin and trainer-checkin is possible.

Kabandi Saikia avatar
Written by Kabandi Saikia
Updated over a year ago

Functions of check-ins?

The check-ins page offers the following functionalities:

  1. Sort the attendees according to any of the columns present.

  2. The filters present at the top which include Date range,  service, and trainer filter can help you narrow down to the desired subset of attendees.

  3. The export button on the upper right side lets you transfer the data to an XLS or CSV sheet.

  4. The Go-to Clients Checkin app at the top right redirects you to the check-in app. From here you can check in with your customers once they are confirmed present. It also shows you the most recent check-ins for the day. You can see an example of a client check-in page below!

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