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Explore a comprehensive repository of your sales record with invoices. With Omnify optimize your sales processes for better business growth

Kabandi Saikia avatar
Written by Kabandi Saikia
Updated over a week ago

You can view and Download your Sales Transactions from the Dashboard

How to view Sales Data?

1. Go to Dashboard

2. Click on Sales & Reports and then click on Sales

3. You can check all your Transactions from the table.

4. You can also use filters to view the transactions for a certain period

How to Download Transactions sheet?

1. Select the time period

2. Click on Download Report Button on the top right corner


Total Transactions = Total number of Online and Offline Transactions

Total Sales = Total value of all the online + offline transactions

Online Sales = Total Sales done online via a Payment Gateway

Offline Sales= Total Sales via Frontdesk (Cash, Check etc)


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