Create fixed-term classes
Dashboard > Services > Classpacks
While creating a Classpack, you can select from the following options:
Ongoing Classpack
Fixed-term Classpack
Fixed Term Classpack - These classpacks have an end date. Example: Summer Classes for kids.
To create a fixed-term classpack :
Select Classpacks on the Services page
Click on Create Classpack button
Enter the name of the classpack and select the Fixed Term Classpack option
Choose the classes you want to add to the classpack
Enter the start date and the end date for the classpack
Select the pricing type - Fixed pricing or Dynamic pricing
-Fixed Pricing: The business owner decides the fixed price for the classpack.
-Dynamic Pricing: With Dynamic pricing, you can price the classpack flexibly. You have to enter a price per class as opposed to the price of the classpack.Enter the price
Click on Create Classpack
Confirm the details submit