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Facility Calendar

Discover how to effectively manage your facility rentals from an easy-to-use calendar view and streamline Facility Scheduling with Omnify.

Kabandi Saikia avatar
Written by Kabandi Saikia
Updated over a week ago

Use of Facility Calendar

The Facility Calendar is a very useful tool for you to view the booking status of your Facilities. You can use Facility Calendar-

  • To View all Available and Booked Slots

  • To Sort Facilities by Categories and Name

  • To Sort Classes by Booked and Available

To access it go to the Facility Calendar tab under the Calendar section.

Functionalities of the Facility Calendar-

  1. View Attendee for the booked slot

  2. Make a booking straight from the Calendar

  3. Block slots

1. View Attendee for the booked slot

You can view attendees for a slot. Know who has booked the slot by clicking the particular slot

Colour code:

Booked Slot- Grey

Blocked Slot- Black

Available Slot- Different colours

2. Make a booking straight from the Calendar

  • Click on the slot you want to book. You can also select multiple slots

  • Click on the Book button at the bottom

  • On this page, Select the Payer and click on Next

  • Review the details and select the Payment Mode

> If you want to send a payment link to the customer, let the payment switch mode on (default). A payment link will be sent to the customer who will have to pay within 30 mins to confirm the spot. If the payment is not made within 30 mins, the slot will open up for booking.

>If you want to make a cash booking, switch off the Payment Mode switch and select the mode of payment. Click on Total.

  • Once you click on Total. The booking will be made

3. Block slots

You can use Block Slots to block certain slots that are not available for booking

  • Click on the slot you want to block. You can also select multiple slots

  • Click on the Block button at the bottom

  • Put up a note or reason for blocking

  • Click on Block

Colour code for Blocked slot: Black

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